Cucumbers are mainly water and once they are harvested they tend to shrivel very fast (for this reason, most commercial cucumbers are sold waxed). Cucumbers help replenish the fluids & minerals we Jose during the hot summer months. Cucumbers can be an effective skin conditioner because they are high in vitamin E. Try rubbing an end slice or a peeling to your face for a refreshing experience.

Storage Tips
• Store cucumbers in the hydrator drawer of your fridge for up to 1 week.
• Sliced cucumbers deteriorate very quickly.
Culinary Tips
• Add cucumber slices to a sandwich.
• Use grated cucumbers in Italian dressing.
• Toss sliced cucumbers with plain yogurt or mayo, fresh dill or dried & salt & pepper.
• Toss sliced cucumbers with your favorite vinaigrette dressing.