The early carrots are a smaller, more tender variety and are harvested in bunches with their tops. The late fall and winter carrots are varieties especially chosen for their ability to hold moisture and retain sweetness even after months in cold storage.

Storage Tips
• Twist off tops & refrigerate carrots in a plastic bag.
• For long term storage, pack carrots with moist sand & store in a cool (but not freezing) location.
Culinary Tips
• Scrub carrots under running water. Peeling removes the nutrients located just under the skin.
• Eat carrots raw to receive the most nutrients, cut into sticks or grate into many types of salads
• Slice & steam for several min or sauté in butter, top with honey for a sweet dish.
• Add to soups, stir-fries, stews, & casseroles.
• Steam & puree carrots add cream, onions, leeks, freshly grated ginger, or soy sauce for a simple soup.
• To roast carrots, cut in large chunks, dot with butter & place in an oven-proof dish. Cover & bake in oven for 40 min.
• You can also simmer the carrots in a stock instead of butter.